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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数3172  更新时间:2006/12/15 16:10:31  文章录入:clcl  责任编辑:clcl




  形象志: 点击形象经济学说创立人《华夏形象志》主编\美国YUSHULONG工作室总监\中美访问学者

  专门从事:形象哲学 应用体系与社会作用研究

  完成  众多整体形象策划 发表大量著作,几十年来笔耕不止……

  上世纪九十年代创立“点击形象经济”被美国学者点评为—— 艺术经济点爆学

  媒体曾以《飞越太平洋点“爆”洛杉矶》为题报道玉书先生的访美讲学21世纪初创立玉书形象工作室创造众多点击形象经济成功案例.实现: 点击形象经济学术成果的成功应用 英国 美国 日本等国际著名公司 相继约请为其点击创意设计项目形象顾问

      EPSON印象馆三国系列人物展示设计                     二滩国家森林公园——景意畅想

       雕塑家请来"安南"                          四川报业集团--形象策划


形 幂 

沧桑意象  美神密码
史迹演绎 刻符明志







    Time fleeting day and night never ends.Time bringing great changes to the world never stops.
    Day and night flows at great speed without end.
    The vicissitude of time in the world never stops.Time and tide wait for no man.Yet we always attempt to preserve history.to preserve vague semblance of our humble lives in this vast universe,making transience permanent and making ourselves admired through posterity.
    And then came the history,came the scholarly attendants of emperors and kings,and came the first authorized accounts and unofficial ones of history which were recorded in three methods:image,language and character.
    Language is one important means by which man has come to master the world.In Genesis,the first book of the Bible,there is an account of the tower of Babel.At that time,people of the world spoke in the same tongue.They decide to fire bricks to build a city and tower,so that one day,the tower would reach high into the heaven where God dwelt.Day by day,the tower became higher and higher,which greatly angered God.Thus,he created different tonguesfor all the people.It became so difficult for the people to communicate that they left the tower of Babel unfinished.
    We can see the power of language in this story.Sometimes,history can be recorded or spread through language.The great epics,the soul-stirring legends,and the brilliant exploits of our forefathers have been passed down by the spoken words and will be spread continuous generation after generation.Homer's epics,the story of ShenNong and the herbs,the tale of the Goddess NvWa mending the sky with stones-these too have been passed down by the spoken words,yet who can assert the truthfulness of these stories?And then there are rewrites of these stories that overstep our forefathers'imagination.
    Character too,is an important tool by which man master the world.East Asian history was written in characters.Indeed the creation of characters is legendary.While one of the first scholars of history.Cang Jie,wrote,the heavenly rains shivered and the ghosts cried at night.Even the universe and ghosts turned pale with fright for the vividness of his writing.
    "Since The Beginning of History"refers to the time people began to use characters to write records."Prehistoric Civilization"refers to human civilization before the appearance of written records.Indeed the history of man is an endless story,and so the historical records in characters have a tremendous function.Yet,we are merely common people.And we can only keep voluminous historical records at a respectful distance,for we are not historians who shall continue to research until their old age,or until their black hair has turned grey.
    Then,the passing time went away little by little in the historical smoke,and faded away at last.It was difficult for the records to avoid errors.All the more,the chinese history was just a record of the great events;a family history of emperors and generals.There was a lack of concern for individual life.We have gradually forgotten how did our forefathers ploughed in spring and harvested in autumn,we don't know there had once been how many bards in the narrow paths we walk through everyday.
    In fact:
    Every behavior has its track-linear picture.
    Every thinking has its peculiar thought wave-computer picture
    So,no matter behavior or thought,they both can use image language to convey image picture.
    Before and after written records,the history of using figure images to give people audio-visual sense existed everywhere.Rock pictures were historical books described in sacrificial rites;hamlet,boat,and dance."The dead keep silent,but the rock can speak."(quoted from China Rock Picture-Net)This was the most unrestrained art,this was the most authentic history!
    Our ancestors were indulged in writing and drawing,casting all obstacles and shackles away.Then we had totems,and our nation had the dragon,which could fly into the sky and dive under the sea,and could even summon wind and rain.Year after year,the image of the dancing dragon was deeply rooted in everyone's heart.
    A thinker,born in the year of the dragon,with his surname Long,solemnly presents to the public a historical concept filled with pleasant surprise:the Imagery Annals.A few years ago,Long Yushu initiated the new study based on the research of culturology,sociology,management study,business study,arts,aesthetics and CI,VI study.At that time,Mr.Long thought day and night,bent over his desk writing and drawing on paper and computer.Spirit interacted with boundless universe in electricity light and rock fire,immemorial lofty sentiments outpouring.After founding this theory system,fairy light appeared,just as being awaken to truth.
    The Imagery Annals,writing annals in images,is a systematic project and benefit-retrieving system.It starts from one point,once the key link is grasped,everything falls into place.Deduction goes deeper and deeper,and is retrieved at last with benefit.
    A nation,a region,a unit,a family,and even an individual,has its respective history.All of these can be guided into the research achievement of Imagery Annals.It can not only write annals but also guide action effectively in practise.
    Taoist school ever posed that one produces two,two produce three,three produce all the things on the earth,which bared that all the things on the earth complement and suppolement each other.
Imagery Annals can begin with a kernel picture symbol and deduce out these six sections : figure ,foundation ,appliace ,management ,retrieval and sublimation.Each section uses various manifestations of image language and image character,adopts Imagery Annals'"six S"study system:design ,locate construction ,establish ,locate point ,contrive and locate list,and makes concrete,vivid and academic analysis,writes annals and biography for it.
    Imagery Annals can make the four qualities:academic,historic,pragmatic and propagable,as one character.The kernel symbol can set up the image rule of "three(object,figure design and trademark development) and three(interchange,unity and identity)equal to one",which has superb functin against being imitated.This unprecedented difficulty achieves the span of history.The modern science,changing with each passing day,offers the possibility for the research of Imagery Annals.The social background and Mr.Long's assiduous pursuit gestate the best opportunity for the introduce of Imagery Annals.
    The birth of Imagery Annals,shattering earth and battering beaven,is the center of world attention.
This book takes Chengdu Hengbo Hospital as the object of "Imagery Annals Trademark Imagery AX System."The Huaxia Imagery Annals editorial board edited and published Hengbo Analysis by the approval of the writer.We are waitiing for recommendations and criticisms from all people of noble aspirations.


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